Nature Inspired Urns
With urns for cremation ashes with a design inspired by nature, Pulvis Art Urns hopes to help you carry out a cremation ceremony fitting your loved one’s wishes.
Representing a symbolic meaning in nature, like calmness and tranquility, our nature urns are suitable for keeping at home or outdoors.
Incorporating nature’s unique patterns into our handmade memorials is what makes Pulvis Art Urns stand out from any traditional design.
Find the perfect nature inspired urn
Made by widely renowned artists, our outdoor urns are the ideal way to honor the memory of a nature lover. We are entirely committed to making the process of shopping for cremation art urns straightforward and easy for you.
Choosing the right size of the urn.
When it comes to choosing the right size of the urn, the general rule to follow is that 1 cubic inch equals one pound that the person or pet weighed. To find the right size of our handmade urns you can use the filters on each category.
Pulvis Art Urns team is here to help you finding the right nature urn for your loved one.
Why Nature Inspired Urns ?
Nature-inspired urns are designed to reflect the beauty and essence of the natural world. These urns often incorporate elements, motifs, or materials inspired by nature, allowing individuals to memorialize their loved ones in a way that aligns with their appreciation for the outdoors and the environment.
Nature-inspired cremation urns offer a way to honor the memory of a loved one while celebrating the beauty and serenity of the natural world. They can provide comfort and a sense of peace for those who find solace in nature.
Nature urn collections by Pulvis
Our carefully selected range of nature inspired urns is the finest way to honor the life of a nature lover.