All about urns and cremation

Blog posts 6 Tips to Consider when Saying Goodbye to a Pet. Blog by Pulvis Art Urns

6 Tips to Consider when Saying Goodbye to a Pet

Pet owners hate to think about it, but saying a final goodbye is inevitable. It’s important to remember that the sadness of losing a family pet is actually a good sign – it means that animal was deeply loved! Preparing your pet to cross over the rainbow bridge? These tips can help you navigate the emotions and practical questions that are common when dealing with the death of a family pet. Tip 1: Make Arrangements in Advance When the time comes to say goodbye to a pet, all your focus should be on staying present in that moment and making...

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Ceramic urns for ashes by Pulvis Art Urns. 2023 Guide

Keeping Cremation Ashes at Home - 2023 Guide

With proper storage and a special place in your home, you can keep your loved one close and honor their memory in a meaningful way.

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Plane wings in the clouds. Article by Pulvis Art Urns

Transporting Cremation Ashes. Here is What You Should Know. 2023 Guide

Overall, transporting cremation ashes requires careful planning and attention to regulations and documentation. By following the appropriate steps, you can ensure that your loved one's ashes are transported safely and respectfully to their final resting place.

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Cremation in Japan. Photo by Wikipedia Commons

6 Interesting Myths About Cremation

While cremation may not be the most comfortable topic to talk about, there’s no need to shy away from the facts. After all, keeping urns at home can be a powerful way to feel close to a loved one. It’s time to clear up some misconceptions about cremation.

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