With the rising trend of cremation, more and more people tend to keep the ashes of their loved ones near them, at home, garden or the local cemetery. As one of the leading companies for ceramic urns for ashes in Europe, we decided to sum up all you need to know about urns in this detailed article.
What is a cremation urn?
A cremation urn is a home for the ashes of our loved ones (human or pet). Each urn is different in shape, size, material and general design. Choosing the right one usually is based on the wishes of each family. Some bury their urn, others keep them outdoors or indoors as a memorial. Some people prefer to scatter the ashes and use the urn mainly as a memorial.
Who uses cremation urns?
Cremation urns are used all over the world. Although cremation is a personal choice, in some religions it is believed to be the natural path for the deceased to take. Buddhists and Hindus prefer precisely this way of caring for the deceased, while other religions such as Catholicism, Orthodox Christianity and Jenovah’s witnesses do not deny the application of this practice, but set specific limits.
Learn more about religious beliefs:
Cremation is preferred in many religions because it is believed that the body is nothing more than a sacred shell for the soul, which manages to break free and continue on its way, separating itself from the ashes.
A brief history of cremation
Known for their durability and beauty, ceramic urns for ashes can express something personal about your loved one as they come in various shapes and colours. They are quite ancient as well.
While some religions are still debating whether cremation is the rightful way to take care of the deceased. The first evidence of human-made ceramics date back to at least 24,000 years BC. It is believed that all started from China and that from this same country the use of pottery successively spread to Japan where archaeologists have found shards of ceramic artefacts dating to 14,000 BCE.
We can track this practice 40,000 years ago when an archeologist found the remains of the Mungo Lady in Australia. It is believed that this is one of the first acts of cremation.
In the West, pottery is associated with creation and decoration of vases, known as the Neolithic art, which was popular in Ancient Greece. Many art critics consider Greek pottery to represent the zenith of ceramic art. Later the invention of the wheel (3500 BC) helped for the further development of the ceramic urns production.
As the cremation’s popularity grew, the vessels in which the ashes were carried became increasingly detailed, featuring personalized ornaments like the person’s name, date of birth, and date of death.
Even though the cremation of fallen soldiers became more and more popular, the custom was still associated with heathen beliefs. The general Christian public distanced itself from the ritual and began to work harder to maintain the classic way of caring for the deceased - burial.
The noteworthy book “Cremation: The Treatment of the Body After Death” by the surgeon of Queen Victoria, Sir Henry Thompson, brought back the topic to the agenda of the society, and in 1884 cremation acquired the legal status of care for the deceased. The process began gaining popularity, even though at the time it was only 8% of the funeral actions.
Nowadays, being one of the most normal processes for the deceased, cremation gives the opportunity to respect various wishes of the departed or the family - whether choosing from different types of urns, placing them in different places, or scattering the ashes.
Why are ashes kept in urns?
Even though cremation is the most simple way of a funeral, it is a very personal choice. The decision could be based on the sense of closeness with the deceased or on the more tolerable price of this alternative. Talking about the reasons why some people decide to choose cremation, here are some more:
Simplicity/cost of cremation
Often people choose cremation based on the ratio of value and complexity compared to traditional burial. Placing the ashes in an urn nowadays is becoming an easier and cheaper decision.
Planning the funeral of a dear departed one could make the whole process even more stressful and complicated than it already is. Choosing the casket, whether it is opened or closed, planning the outfits , etc. could be very emotionally draining for those who are sensitive to the subject of death.
Regardless of whether you choose to have a ceremony and what your preferred crematorium prices are, cremation is certainly the easier and cheaper option.
Cremation is less traumatic for the family
The encounter with death is always difficult and traumatic. Even in cases where someone is not worried about this topic, an event like this can significantly affect the emotions and stress. The sight of the body of the deceased often remains a scar in the minds of the close ones.
Cremation, on the other hand, allows an easier handling of the situation. This happens because the procedure with this choice much less often meets the relatives with the body of the deceased, the difficult planning coming with it and the choices that have to be made regarding a burial.
For some, the act of a funeral can make them feel anxious, claustrophobic, and not even themselves. That is why cremation and placing the ashes in urns is the better option, which gives greater peace and closure.
Environmental concerns - Is cremation eco friendly?
Burial is becoming an increasingly undesirable choice for some people due to environmental concerns. Since the body must be preserved, various chemical substances are used with proven harm to nature and people. Such are formaldehyde, methanol, glycerin, etc. The decomposition of the body after burial allows these pests to enter the soil and the water, contaminating the food that people ingest.
Of course, there are also eco-friendly ways of burial, using biodegradable coffins and burying the deceased without embalming. However, cremation is still more desirable when it comes to being more environmentally friendly.
The question of saying goodbye is an important point when choosing burial or cremation. If the deceased's last wish is to be buried, whether near or far, or to have an urn buried, after cremation, there is always the worry of feeling detached from your loved one.
However, when an indoor urn is chosen, the worry of being separated from a loved one does not exist, as the urn allows mobility, a sense of greater physical closeness and a memorial of a dear departed one in a special place for you.
Customizable urns
When choosing cremation, the opportunity to do something more personal and special is greater. Whether the urn will be handmade and personalized or you will take some of the ashes and turn them into a piece of jewellery that will bring you a sense of closeness to the deceased, the options coming with cremation are bigger. If, however, the last wish of the deceased is to be cremated and then buried, there are creative cremation urns made of biodegradable materials that give a more traditional meaning to the fusion of the body with the Earth.
When did cremation start to gain favour?
Cremation is becoming increasingly popular around the world, with some of the most telling figures coming from the UK, where cremation is the preferred choice over burial. There is also a similar trend in the United States and Europe.
Overcrowding and lack of space in cemeteries around the world is due to population growth. That's why there are countries like Japan that even legislate cremation, making it mandatory. For this reason, everywhere in the world, burial is more expensive and cremation is seen as a more environmentally friendly way of caring for the deceased.
How do modern urns for cremated remains compare to the urns from the past?
Throughout the ages, people have always sought to personalize and make the urns more detailed and representative of the personality of their lost loved ones. For example, during the Bronze Age, local people along the Baltic Sea coast depicted realistically some features of the deceased. Other examples can be found during the Iron Age, when people from India painted the urn with flowers and animals. Some civilizations even experimented with the materials used to make different types of urns for ashes.
Nowadays, people choose the design of the urn according to the personality of the deceased. There is an ever-increasing choice of materials, shapes, types and details of the vessels for cremains. For example, there are unique urn ideas that are specially made for service members or police officers in the shape of an eagle, representing the pride of the deceased loved one's profession. There are also cremation urns specially made for those who were religious, a double urn made of two single vessels for those who want to be together in eternity.
5 things to consider when buying urns for ashes
Separating with a loved one is always shocking and hard. When a close one dies, we face many questions and decisions that make saying goodbye even more complicated.
Even if you consider the easier option of care for the deceased - cremation, there might still be some questions coming to mind. Of course, the confusion could be avoided by doing a brief research on the topics that are unknown to you.
1. What is your budget for an urn?
The price range of urns varies considerably, unlike the cost of caskets. The choice of cremains urns is huge and it all depends on the budget you have. Suitable urns could be found for less than $100, keeping the quality high, as well as more expensive ones that are more detailed, customizable and special.
Whether your budget is lower or higher, the most important thing to consider when choosing an urn is that you feel satisfied with the urn that will be a memorial to your loved one.
2. What will you do with the cremation remains?
Urns allow people to choose what to do with their departed loved one's remains. The most common use of the urns is to be a memorial of the deceased at home. Given this, some people choose vessels with details and appearance representing their loved one’s life and features.
Some people decide to place the urn in a columbarium. If you consider keeping the urn in a columbarium, it is very important to keep in mind that there are certain size limits with which you must comply. There is also the option to bury the urn. In this case you should consider the material of the vessel.
Of course, there are a lot of different materials used for producing an urn - wood, metal, ceramic, biodegradable materials, etc. All of them have different purposes. For example, you should consider a biodegradable material when your or your loved one’s last wish is to be cremated and buried. This also applies for metal urns for ashes. The ceramic urns are perfect for a display at home, being one of the most beautiful and detailed urns.
3. Is the size of the memorial important?
Yes, the size of the memorial is important. The figure of the deceased is of the greatest importance for the size of the cremains that will be placed in the urn. Logically, the bigger the deceased, the more remains there will be.
Approximately, each pound of a person's weight equals one cubic inch of cremains. The easiest and most secure way to decide what size urn you need is to contact the crematorium that you have chosen.
4. Is the style or the material of the urn important?
The choice of urn depends on the multitude of various sizes, materials, colours, shapes and designs.
There are a lot of different materials used for producing an urn - wood, metal, ceramic, biodegradable materials, etc. All of them have different purposes. For example, you should consider a biodegradable material if your or your loved one’s last wish is to be cremated and then buried. This option gives a traditional sense of the burial - the merging of the body with the Еarth. This also applies for metal cremation urns for ashes. The ceramic ones are perfect for a display at home, being one of the most beautiful and detailed urns and adding a lot to your home aesthetics.
Another two increasingly popular options are jewellery with cremains or keepsake cremation ashes art urns. This allows a feelling of physical closeness with the dear departed one. The keepsake urns help families who want to divide the cremains, or those who scatter most of the ashes on special places, but want to have a memorial of their lost one close where they can honor the memory of their life.
5. How important are personalized details?
It is very important to feel a connection with the vessel that will play the role of memorial for your loved one. That’s why there is the option of a personalization of the urn, which might be costlier.
The advantage of this alternative is about customizing the burial urn for ashes, so it will be more representative of the dear departed one and special for their close people.
What you should know about keeping cremation ashes at home?
Do you know that, according to a recent study around 40% of the people who want to be cremated also say that they would like a loved one to keep their ashes at home or a special place? This same study also explains several other things about our attitudes towards death, such as the fact that we are becoming comfortable with the idea of cremation.
So what do you need to know when keeping cremation ashes at home? First, start by wondering what type of urn is best for burial. As we mentioned above, take in mind the size and the material of the memorial. Our portfolio of ours for ashes are designed to fit any interior, without even noticing it is an urn.
Your next step will be to choose an appropriate room for placing the urn for ashes. This time it is all up to you. Some people prefer to have the urn in a room where they enjoy with the loved one and enjoying spending time at or maybe you will choose a location that is more private and peaceful, depending on your personal taste.
As many of the urns are made of breakable materials such as porcelain, it is very important to choose a safe location.
If you prefer to not have an urn or a keepsake in your home, but still want to be able to pay an honouring visit to your loved one, putting the ashes in a columbarium urn niches is a good option.
Finally yet importantly – remember that keeping ashes at home is not allowed in some European countries.
How to select the right urn size
Capacity of the Urn
After the design, materials and type of urn is chosen, it is important to look up the capacity of the vessel. The standard size is Adult urn, which holds the ashes of a person approximately 220 lbs. before cremation. There are also Extra large urn for those who were of a larger figure.
Another, smaller size vessel, is the keepsake urn, which holds a small amount of cremains. This option is for those who wish to have a small memorial of their lost loved one or have divided the ashes with other family members or friends.
The companion urn is a double urn, which holds two standard sized vessels. It is specially made for people who want to be together forever - husband and wife, for example.
There are also a pet urns. The rule of thumb is that one cubic inch is for every pound of body weight prior cremation.
Dimensions of the memorial
If you are considering putting the urn in a columbarium or church niche, we strongly suggest finding out the dimensions of the niche that will be used before purchasing the urn.
Different urn materials
When choosing a cremation urn to hold the ashes of a loved one, you need to pay attention to many factors, such as style, design and price. However, many of them depend on one key factor – the material that the urn is made of. This is particularly important if you are planning to buy an art urn to display at your home or garden.
Plastic urns are used for temporary purposes only. Its characteristics and affordability make it a perfect solution for a short period of time. This type of material is suitable when you have to fly and go through security control with an urn.
Cardboard (or other biodegradable material)
Made out of paper, wood, fibers, sand and many other nature friendly materials, this type of urns for ashes are ideal if the deceased person loved and truly cared about the environment. Biodegradable urns that can grow a tree and other that dissolve in water – the choices are many.
Cast Resin
This type of material could be a substitute for much more expensive materials such as marble or bronze. It is a very good choice if you are considering keeping the urn inside, away from cold, water and humidity.
Wood cremation urns for human ashes are one of the most popular choices when it comes to urns. They give you a sense of coziness, warmth and closeness to your lost loved one. They are very easy to maintain, but are suitable mostly for indoor use.
This material is one of the most used when it comes to urns. It gives an exquisite touch to your dear departed one's memorial. It is commonly used by artisans who make the urns very detailed and eye pleasing. The maintenance of these urns is very easy, but you should ask the manufacturer/dealer if they are suitable for outdoor use before you decide to bury it or keep it in a special place outside.
Metal urns are the most durable ones. If you are thinking of passing the vessel to the next generation, keeping it outside, or burying it, this is the perfect memorial urns option for you.
Marble urns are competing for the first place in the category of most durable urns. Natural marble is very suitable for indoor and outdoor use. While metal urns can oxidize, marble cremation urns last forever. Cultured marble is the more affordable alternative, but it is not as durable outdoors as the natural one.
Glass cremation urns are one of the most beautiful and detailed vessels. Most of them are hand blown and made with high attention to the details. They are only for indoor use, as the glass is very fragile material.
Clay urns for ashes are found all over the world and it shows that clay is used from the beginning of cremation. The material allows artisans to create beautiful designs. Although, it is not recommended to use it outdoors, since clay could be very fragile under atmospheric influences.
Urns for ashes by topic
Wooden Urns
The wood urn is one of the most natural alternatives of burials, being handcrafted without any harmful practices. It is perfect for those, whose life was environmentally friendly. The finest wood makes the vessel look more like an art piece than a cremation urn.
Art Urns
The art urns are designed to hold your loved one’s ashes and make you celebrate their life in a more artistic manner. It fits perfectly the aesthetics of your home and adds a sentimental touch in your personal space.
Tealight Candle Urns
Тealight candle urns for ashes gives a new appearance of the old custom for lightning a candle in the memory of a lost loved one. It holds only a small amount of cremains, making it perfect for situations where family or friends divide the ashes of a deceased.
Nature Inspired Urns
The designs of our nature urns would fit perfectly if the departed one was a nature lover. The smooth forms give a sensation of tranquillity, the same as nature does.
Religious Urns
The religious urns for human ashes gives the opportunity of representation of a lost one’s beliefs. Choosing this vessel shows acknowledgement of the deceased’s faith.
Matching urns
The concept of matching a standard adult urn and a keepsake urn for a smaller amount of cremains was developed simply to satisfy the need of closeness of the family and friends and to respect the last wishes of the deceased. Both of the vessels form an unique artistic matching cremation urns set.
Mom urns
The loss of Mom is always shocking and it leaves a big hole in our hearts. That’s why we need to find the perfect urn for ashes for mom that is going to represent her character, beliefs and love.
The personalization of the urns for mom is a very important part when deciding the best way to honor and respect her life.
Dad urns
The loss of Dad is heartbreaking and difficult to deal with. That’s why we made these handcrafted urns for dad's ashes that aim to help remembering and cherishing his life.
The most important step while choosing an urn for Dad is to look for a piece that reminds you of him.
Child urns
Losing a child is one of the most horrific and tough feelings anyone could experience. In these difficult situations we want to help you find the perfect memorial that will represent the beautiful soul of your child.
Military Urns
When a military, veteran, police officer or firefighter dies, it is important to honor them by remembering their courage and dignity. There is no better way to represent a service member or law enforcement officer than with an eagle, symbolising the wisdom and power that they owned.
Angel Urns
When a close person dies, it is believed that they watch over us and guide us. That’s why choosing an Angel urn is a perfect way to embrace the help and guidance our loved ones send us. That’s why choosing an Angel urn is a perfect way to embrace the help and guidance our loved ones send us in these difficult moments.
Urns for ashes by size
Individual (Adult) size urn
This type is sized to hold the ashes of a one adult person. The standard according to the CANA (Cremation Association of North America) is 200 cubic inches, which is almost 6.9 pints. Usually, adult size urns vary between 100 to 350 cubic inches. In Europe, urn specifications are different for almost any country.
Keepsake Urns
Sized to hold a tiny portion of the cremation ashes, keepsake urns are ideal if several members of the family want to keep a portion of the ashes of the loved one. Keepsake cremation ashes art urns come into variety of sizes – from 10 to 50 cubic inches. Often the sharing urn is used as child or infant’s urn for ashes.
Tealight/Candle keepsakes Urns
The candle urn gives a new appearance of the old custom of lightning a candle in the memory of a lost loved one. It holds only a small amount of cremains, making it perfect for situations where family or friends divide the ashes of a deceased.
Art Keepsakes
These vessels are nothing more than an artisan piece of art, celebrating the life of a loved one. They are handmade with attention to the details, giving you the opportunity to read the forms yourself.
Mini Urns
Mini cremation urns for ashes are perfect when it comes to dividing the ashes of a loved one among family or friends. Carefully crafted, they fit in the palm of your hand and leave room to honor the memory of the deceased.
Companion Urns
Specially made for two people, the Companion urn is perfect in the occasions when you want to celebrate the bond of two dear departed. It contains two single urns which make a beautiful memorable figure. Companion urns can hold the cremated remains of two people – usually a husband and wife. The size is usually double than the adult size urns - between 350 to 600 cubic inches. As a great way to memorialize the life of a loving couple, this type of cremation memorials are can have a double and single compartment.
When it comes to choosing the right size of the urn for ashes, remember the general rule. It states that for every pound of the body weight of a loved one you will need one cubic inch of space. You can always add extra 10 cubic inches just to be sure all the ashes will fit. There is always an option to scatter part of the ashes and keep the other part in a beautiful art urn.
Pet urns for ashes
Pet urns come into variety of sizes, usually depending the animal that is cremated. For cats and small dogs, it varies from 15 to 70 cubic inches. They are a great way to honour the memory of a pet and keep a memorial close to your heart.
Read this article for more information: THE ULTIMATE PET SIZE GUIDE FOR CHOOSING THE RIGHT PET URN
Dog urn
Separating with a pet is a moment that should not be underestimated. That's why we created these dog cremation urns for ashes to remind us of the happy times and love that dogs have taught us.
Cat urn
Cats know how to find the best places to be - in our heart and in our home. With our urns for cats ashes, you will be able to memorize the lessons of love and patience that cats have taught us.
What to expect when receiving cremation ashes
When losing a loved one, often people do not know what to do and what to expect. In the majority of cases, mourners do not even know that they have to transfer ashes to urn of the deceased. When the cremation is complete, the ashes arrive in a temporary urn, which is often a simple cardboard box. Please note that your loved one's cremains are in a tightly sealed plastic bag inside the temporary box for more secure storage. When you receive the permanent urn you are not required to remove the remains from the plastic bag, but simply transfer them with it. Of course, this is a personal choice that everyone must make for themselves.
How to handle cremation ashes
The temporary urn is called temporary for a reason. It is very important to know that if the cremains of your loved one remain in it for too long there is a possibility that they will be lost or misplaced. This could happen because of the quality of the material from which it is made. In other words, the cardboard can easily tear, water can penetrate and from there harm the valuable cremains.
When transferring to a permanent urn, you need to be more focused and careful than usual, because in most cases the remains are in the form of a very fine dust that is easily dispersed in the air and sticks to various surfaces. For this reason, you must be alert and prepared so that you do not lose the precious ashes of your deceased loved one.
Transferring cremains to a permanent urn: How to do it?
Organize your workplace
Speaking of the easy spreading of ashes, it is important to begin the process of transferring the cremains by preparing a more secure workplace.
- Тurn off all air conditioners and ventilators: this step minimizes the risk of ash spreading through the air and onto various surfaces
- Close all windows and doors: even the slightest whiff can destroy the integrity of the remains
- Тurn on all the lights in the room: this way you will be sure what you do
- Place newspaper or paper over the area where you will transfer the remains: if some of the cremains fall outside of either urn, paper will be the easiest way to collect them again
- Restrict access to small children and pets: you wouldn't want anything unforeseen to happen
Open both temporary and permanent urn
- Тry opening and closing the lid of the permanent urn several times: It is important to be comfortable and prepared with opening and closing the permanent urn as there are many different vessels with many different lids.
- Put the permanent urn in a safe and stable place: In order to avoid accidents related to spilling the remains and/or breaking the urn, this step is of particular importance.
- Do not put either one of the urn on the edge of the surface you are working on: Urns should be at a comfortable distance for you.
Prepare the plastic bag with the cremains and put it next to the urn or inside of it if the aperture is wide enough.
- Be careful with the bag and do not open it yet: Carefully assess the position of the bag before opening it
- Place the cremains bag straight into the permanent urn if its opening is on the wider side: This step would allow you to transfer the ashes much more easily without worrying about spillage
- In case the bag does not fit, use a funnel: The funnel would smooth out the process of transferring the cremains
Тransfer the remains to the permanent urn
- Urns with bigger aperture: Put the plastic bag containing the ashes inside the permanent urn. Then, using scissors or a sharp knife create a hole in the shape of X. This step will prevent the cremains from spilling. After that, carefully remove the plastic bag and lightly shake it to move all the left cremains to the urn.
- Urns with smaller aperture: Place the funnel in the mouth of the urn. After that, open the plastic bag or, if it does not have an opening, cut a small incision in one of the corners. It’s very important to hold the funnel and the urn stable, so asking another person for help will ease the process a lot. Pour the cremains slowly and smoothly into the funnel, so it does not overflow.
Look around your workplace for any spilled cremains
- Move the full urn and everything else that was involved in the process to another secure surface: Do that when you need to take care of any fallen cremains on the newspaper/paper that you used under the urn.
- Pour the spilled cremains back into the urn.
Close the lid of the permanent urn.
- When you transfer all of the cremains into the urn, open the glue and apply it evenly where the lid goes: Put the lid carefully, placing it in the center of the mouth. After that, put more glue, filling the gaps between the lid and the aperture. Leave the urn in the same position for 10-15 minutes to let the glue dry out. The cremains of your lost loved one are secure.
How to care for a cremation urn, depending on the type of material
Marble urns
Even though marble gives qualitative and exclusive aesthetics, it is very important to learn how to clean an urn properly. You can do that by wiping it with damp cloth to remove dust, or clean it with a little bit of window cleaner to make sure there are not any stains on the special cremation urn.
Glass urns
This type of urns are usually hand blown, which makes them incredibly beautiful. They can be cleaned with a soft cloth and glass cleaner. Due to the fact, they are much more fragile than ceramic, glass urns for ashes are not so preferred.
Wood urns
Wood urns can be made out of maple, mahogany, oak, bamboo, walnut, cherry, cedar and many more. Even though they are not as durable and beautiful as ceramic and glass urns, they are still perfect for displaying indoors. Easy to engrave, those urns have to be cleaned only with a dry cloth. Furniture polish can help in maintaining its sheen.
Metal urns
Usually the cheapest option, these urns are made mostly of bronze, pewter, brass and stainless steel. Covered with a protective layer they are suitable for both indoors and outdoors, but have to be cleaned carefully, since scratches are common and can ruin the whole memorial. Use a soft dry cloth to wipe any dust and refrain from using water, since liquids may cause the metal urn to rust.
Ceramic and porcelain urns
Ceramic is the most widely used material for cremation urns. Memorials made out of ceramic are usually unique, artful and attractive, fitting perfectly any interior. The clean smooth surface of the ceramic makes it the preferred choice for many. It can be easily sealed with adhesive or wax if you need to open it again in order to scatter the ashes.
Since ceramic is a very delicate material, it is good to keep them at a place that is out of the way of traffic, children and pets. Ceramic urns are simple to clean and maintain – just use a dry clean cloth to wipe out the dust and spots. Using a damp or wet cloth is not recommended.
What to do with a cremation urn if you no longer need the ashes
The fast-changing world we live in makes us think more about the effect we have on our planet. For this reason, we need to consider how to reuse the objects we no longer use and try to be more environmentally friendly.
If you plan to scatter the cremains of your dear departed one, there is a high chance that the urn you purchased will turn into a dust collector. Here are three unique ideas on how to reuse an urn when you no longer need it.
3 Ways You Can Reuse Cremation Urn
Vase for flowers
One of the most beautiful and symbolic ways to reuse an urn is to turn it into a flower vase. Before putting plants in it, wash it carefully. Then you have the freedom to put any flowers you want. Of course, it can still be a memorial for your lost loved one by putting their favorite flowers.
Piece of art
If you chose a cremation urn that looks like a work of art, it is the perfect opportunity to use it as a part of your home decor. It will remind you of your dear lost one and make your personal space look beautiful.
Whether you work from home or not, you can use the purchased urn you no longer need as an organizer. It gives you the ability to store small objects you always lose - pens, sharpeners, erasers, paper clips, etc.
The advantages of buying a cremation urn online
After the loss of a loved one, the process of choosing how to honor the deceased could be a very tough and time-consuming task.
In this situation there are a lot of factors that the mourners have to consider. If they choose cremation, they have to find an urn. Search for the best place to buy urns for human ashes. Color, type, material, design - details that could be too overwhelming. Therefore, the atmosphere should make the mourners feel calmer and more confident when choosing. That’s why online purchasing of an urn is more suitable for those who want to keep their privacy.
Shop with comfort, ease and the privacy of home
The comfort of your own home can help you choose an urn for your lost loved one adequately and with consideration of their last wishes. When there are no consultants and sellers who try to help you, you won’t feel pressured. Also, it is a better way to involve more family members and friends in the process оf honoring the soul and life of the dear departed one.
More variety, more personalization
Shopping for an urn online can give you the opportunity to find some vessel that is going to be special for the mourners and the deceased one. Most of the funeral homes carry only the most popular types of urns, making it nearly impossible to find something exclusive and special.
Browsing through online can also help you find affordable urns for human ashes without decreasing the quality. There are thousands of urns styles to choose from.
Also, the variety of urns to choose from and the option of personalization, gives you a better opportunity to purchase something that is going to be more representative of the lost loved one and respect their last wishes. Online shopping for urns can help you find better and emotional memorial for the one you lost.
Better affordability
In addition to emotional exhaustion, the financial burden should not be forgotten as a factor in these situations. The whole organization of cremation, memorial service, purchase of an urn, etc. can cost thousands of dollars. The purchase of an urn from funeral homes can be overpriced, simply because they are often middlemen who put big markups on the products they sell and make urns unaffordable. Also there are often different taxes when buying an urn from funeral agencies.
Help and support when you need it
When it comes to helping with choosing an urn and arranging a funeral, there's no denying that funeral home staff can handle all the questions mourners have and can provide excellent advice. For some, this can be an inappropriate part of purchasing an urn, as there are many people for whom this act is personal and only want to share it with their family and friends.
By buying an urn online, you can always contact our support, who is ready to provide advice and answer any questions you may have. All this can happen while maintaining the privacy of your own home.
Frequently Asked Questions
How to put ashes in an urn in a secure manner?
You are going to receive the cremains of your dear lost one in a plastic bag or temporary plastic urn.
Usually, a crematorium or a funeral home can perform this task, however if you prefer to transfer the ashes by yourself, you have to know the following:
- Cremains usually come from the funeral home or crematorium contained in a thick nylon bag that is inside a plastic box or a temporary urn.
- Even though cremation ashes are not toxic and do not present any health threat, you should handle them with care to avoid inhalation or spill.
- Preparing the area where the transfer will happen can be of a great help.
- Use a towel or a newspaper to spread on a flat surface and place the urn on it.
- Use a funnel in the opening urn.
- Cut a small hole in the nylon bag and slowly pour the ashes into the funnel. After this, place the lid of the urn.
If you wish to seal the urn permanently, you can use adhesive or glue on the lid. To seal the urn just for a short period you can use wax. Please, keep in mind that this only works for ceramic urns for ashes.
You can read our blog for comprehensive information or watch our video for greater clarity. If you do not feel comfortable with how do you put ashes in urns, you can always ask а family member, friend or funeral home employee for assistance.
Another option is to put the whole bag of ashes inside the urn, as this is possible only when the opening is large enough. If you feel uncomfortable performing the task of putting the ashes into an urn, do not hesitate to contact a close friend or a family member to help you with this task.
Many people tend to include small belongings with the ashes prior to sealing the urn. Give yourself the time and permission to go with what feels right for you.
Where should I put the urn?
It depends on your and your lost loved one’s wishes. Our urns are perfect for indoors. Almost all of our products are suitable for outdoor placing, but under shelter - away from water, snow and humidity. You can also place it in a columbarium or church niche, but away from humidity and water.
How do open an urn?
All our urns are sealed with an adhesive that cannot be removed after use. You can use wax to seal the lid, but we don't recommend it. The only way to open our sealed products is to break them, but it can be difficult to keep the remains intact if they are not placed in a plastic bag or if the urn you purchased does not have an INNER COATING.Ⓡ
Should I seal the urn?
All of our ceramic urns require sealing, because their lids do not have threads. If you don’t intend moving the cremains, we recommend sealing the wooden urn also to prevent it from humidity, water and unforeseen spilling.
Is it prohibited to scatter or spread ashes?
There are no prohibition laws against scattering the ashes of your loved one on public property. Keep in mind that you should always ask for permission, if you have decided to spread cremains on private property.
If you are considering scattering ashes in the ocean, please check United States Environmental Protection Agency’s Policy about Burial at Sea.
Do you collaborate directly with morgues and funeral homes?
We have various partners in the United States and would love to help you with answers and advice. Do not hesitate to contact our support.
How far underground should an urn be placed?
Most of the cemeteries around the world have their own procedure for burying an urn, but if you are burying an urn in your own yard, it is safe for it to be at least 3 feet underground. Although, our cemetery urns for ashes are NOT suitable for burying.
What urn sizes are available?
We carry different sizes of urns.
The standard size urn belong to the adults, which carries approximately 200-220 cubic inches of ashes.
The smaller one is the keepsake/tealight urn, which is not intended to hold all the cremains of your lost loved one. It is perfect if you want to divide the ashes between family and/or friends.
There is also the Companion urn, made out of two standard urns, creating a beautiful figure.
Can you provide me a hand if I need any additional assistance?
We are always ready to assist you with any questions and concerns that you may have. Do not hesitate to contact us on our site.
We have a limited amount of money. What options do I have for less expensive urns?
We have a big variety of standard urns that you can choose from. Some of them are more affordable, but without reducing the quality. If they are not fitting in your budget, you can always browse through keepsake/tealight urns.
Can we Divide Ashes?
The idea of dividing ashes is not something new. With the increase in variations of cremation urns for ashes and keepsakes, many families tend to split the ashes of a person so each can have a small memorial for remembrance. Is it legal or what does the religion says about that are questions that does not have an exact answer and mostly depend on the country or the state.
Except for obscure sects of minor religions, the question of whether cremains should be divided among smaller keepsakes is always in line with a religion's view of cremation in general. The rule of thumb to follow in this case is if a religion approves cremation, it is usually indifferent to how the ashes are handled. Dividing them among several urns is just as fine as storing them in a single container or scattering them.
When it comes to law, dividing cremation ashes depends on the local authorities. In the USA for example the law is entirely silent on this question, leaving the decision entirely to the family. In some countries in Europe, however, regulations are quite strict and dividing ashes is even considered a crime.
The most important consideration should be the will of your loved one about their cremation ashes. After all, it is about the memory of the loved one that has to be remembered and honored.
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